Saturday, June 25, 2011


So now that I have done all my good deeds for the's time to get back to what I am really enjoying most these days....honing my verbosity...if that is actually a word.  I like it, so I'm going to officially deem it a word anyway!

Here's the next writing prompt in the #trust30 challenge.

"The secret of fortune is joy in our hands." – Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you could picture your intuition as a person, what would he or she look like? If you sat down together for dinner, what is the first thing he or she would tell you?

Ok so first, all I can really think of right now is the song "Intuition" by Jewel of her "0304" album.  Awesome song in my opinion.  I remember listening to that album when I was in high school and majorly rockin' out to this song, imagining that my bedroom was a nightclub. Haha! Yes I'm wonderfully lame and proud of it. ;)   If you don't know the the play button below....go on...just do know you want to....that's why God made YouTube.  No, it's not just there for you to view cute videos of piano playing cats, believe it or not.   

So now while I'm listening to this play, I'm trying to figure out what my intuition would look like.'s no wonder writers drink a LOT of wine (sorry for the stereotype...blame Hollywood).
Webster's dictionary defines intuitions as "quick and ready insight." 

Going on that (and who I am as a person), I'm gonna say my intuition would be a jeans and t-shirt kinda girl.  But we aren't talking your basic "vacation souvenir tee."  We are talking a t-shirt with a bit of panache....pizazz...or something of the like, because of course she wouldn't own anything but the coolest in cheap-chiche from Goodwill or another similar treasure trove. But nonetheless, my intuition could open her closet doors, grab the closest "t-shirt" that struck her fancy, throw on her fav pair of dark denim, skinny jeans and be ready to hit the road.  We would of course be meeting up for dinner at a sushi joint, because whenever I'm hungry, my dear friend intuition never fails to answer me with "GO GET SOME FREAKIN SUSHI!!!!!"  To which I usually oblige.  I am nothing if not a good listener. :D

Upon seeing me, she would probably say, "I knew you would be here!" Well, duh, of course you are my intuition after all!!!!

Ok so that is just a little lame....but I really have no idea what he/she/it would say to me.  It would be a spur of the moment decision, going with your gut feeling and all.  So how would I/she/it/whatever have a clue what would be said til we were there.  

Isn't that the beauty of life that is lived in the moment anyway.  Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't...and that's okay and a beautiful thing. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Helping Hands

So, my friend, Stephanie, just informed me where I can find all the writing prompts for the "30 day writing challenge."  The bad news, the actual 30 days are over and they won't resend me the prompts from the beginning.  But the good news is....she told me that they are all on the website.  So I guess I will just go back and get them one day at a time and still accomplish my goal, albeit, a little out of order.

Oh well....I never was one to color inside the lines anyway ;)

Night all....and thanks Steph!

Day 1...sort of...

So today I received day 1 and day 2 of the prompts from the "Ralph Waldo Emerson Self Reliance" writing challenge. Nice name, eh?  I feel all important and stuff.  *smiling*  
I actually had day 1 yesterday, it was just in my junk email and I don't usually look in that scary folder, so now I am going to attempt to write day 1 AND day 2 today....we shall see.

Now onward to the prompt at hand...

"Men imagine that they communicate their virtue or vice only by overt actions, and do not see that virtue or vice emit a breath every moment". - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Who is one person that you’ve been dying to connect with, but just haven’t had the courage to reach out to? First, reflect on why you want to get in touch with them. Then, reach out and set up a meeting.

The one person would have to be my childhood friend, Jennifer (Jenny) Roy.  Last I knew, she was living in New Iberia, Louisiana.  We were inseparable friends in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade.  Summer before 3rd grade her family  moved to Louisiana, but Jenny and I stayed in very close contact, in large part thanks to our parents.  How many 3rd graders do you know that could maintain contact via snail mail (as we refer to it now) or telephone without some parental assitance, not to mention that little handy-dandy thing called money. Cha ching!

Jenny's parents always footed the phone bill for the long-distance calls we had on a regular basis.  My mom always really appreciated her mother's kindness whenever I would call Jenny and her mom would answer and say "Oh, Jenny will call you right back!" just so they would get the phone charges and not us.  Karen, Jenny's mom, knew my mom was a single parent and that money was always tight for us.  Those phone calls with Jenny and our friendship, even though only by phone and letter and Christmas package, meant the world to me.  We both wound up going through the same phases of liking various TV shows and toys and games.  Power Rangers (I was the pink ranger and she the yellow), Beanie Babies, Sailor Moon and so on. We were always kindred spirits even though we were miles apart.  (On a more reflective note, I met my husband, Vinnie, online playing Scrabble and we had a long distance relationship for the first 5 (and establishment) months of our relationship, before we even met in person.  Maybe my long distance friendship with Jenny helped me to be able to endure the ups and downs and hardships of a long distance relationship.  If that's the case, I have even more to be thankful for to Jenny than I thought to begin with.)

Jenny and I stayed in close contact through the rest of elementary school and all of middle school.  Like most good things though, there somehow seems to always have to be an end.  Our end was high school.  Turning into "mini-adults" and having lives and real things to do all of a sudden, of course we lost touch.  I have thought about trying to find Jenny several times and made several attempts in college to find her on Facebook and Myspace, but to no avail.  Even before I sat down to actually create this post, I searched Facebook again for any sign of her, but nada.  I still know her address and I'm sure I could contact her parents at that same phone number even, but I haven't gotten up the nerve to ever go that far.  

As to why I want to reconnect with Jenny? There are many reasons.  I miss her and want to know how she's doing of course, but it seems to go along with this feeling of where my life is going right now.

I mentioned in my first post that I feel I am at a crossroads and I'm hoping writing will help me figure things (whatever they are) out.  Jenny was such an important and meaningful part of my life, I feel like having her back in it would be another anchor for my life.  I don't make friends fast or often.  Not true, lasting, deep friendships anyway.  I mean, I'm a very likable person and all, but I've never been one to care for superficial, superfluous types of relationships, be it friends or otherwise.  That's why I never dated anyone who I didn't at least see some small possibility of marrying someday.  If I couldn't picture myself walking down the aisle with the guy, what was the point?  Some would say, "oh you know, you've got to put yourself out there! Have a little!"  Umm, ok, you do that.  Not for me. Never was, never will be.  Besides, that part's over with anyway. Married now and happy to be! 

Anyway, it's the same thing with friendships for me, minus the aisle part.  If I can't picture myself in 10 years sitting on a porch swing, drinking iced tea and cutting up about some random crazy thing with you, then I don't see the point.  I can count my true, TRUE friends on one hand...barely.  Unfortunately, from time to time, certain fingers, erm, friends I mean, fall off my hand.  It's disappointing but what can you do.  Live and let live? Pretty much.  I'm learning not to get too attached to anyone until they really prove themselves.  That way, when they let me down, I won't really care.  Que sera sera, and all that jazz. Jenny was a friend who never let me down, a soul sister if you will (not to steal Train's thunder there).  I don't find people very often who really get the REAL me. Jenny got me...

So in closing, I guess the thing to do now is, find Jenny's parents, send them a letter asking them to pass my contact info on to Jenny, and hopefully since I am reaching out, she will reach back.

See you soon Jenny....maybe our "good thing" was just to a pause and didn't come to an end after all.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

30 day challenge

Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by my blog.  I actually "made" this blog about 2 years ago as a tool to write each day, but never got around to using here goes nothing!

I find writing therapeutic, stimulating and challenging (in a good way) and lots of people will tell you that it's something important to do everyday....if you can find the time.  I decided today to MAKE the time from now on.  My life is at a point where I feel like I am at another crossroads, so to speak, and I feel that writing just might help me figure out which way I am supposed to go- both metaphorically and physically.

So, to start off on the path, I am doing 30 day writing challenge that I found out about through a graduate school friend's Facebook page.  She has a blog, and a really good one I might add, and is doing this same challenge as well.  I read about it and signed up to get the daily prompts. It started a few weeks ago, so I don't know if they will still send me the prompts, but I guess I'll find out soon.

Wish me luck!

(That's one of my bridal portraits...for those of you who don't know me personally. Been married one year this past May!)