Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saving the word, one turtle at a time!

*Cue the superhero music*   (Reptile Rescue 101)

We <3 turtles.  We are more in love with sea turtles, but all God's children are created equal, and so the same applies to turtles.  

Yesterday, I was driving Vinnie and I back home from his job (hence the Moe's shirt) when I saw something in the road.  When I got closer I saw it was a turtle and of course I switched lanes to go around it.  For those of you who live here or did live here, we were driving down the Trenholm Road extension, hence us naming the turtle "Trenhy."  For those of you who don't know the area, the extension in a 4 lane road with a large safety island.  It's quite a wide stretch of road and this turtle was crossing at a part of the road that is just over a hill, so anyone coming over it may or may not see a small reptile, such as this one, trying to to follow in the chicken's footsteps.  Stupid chicken.... :P

So after I drove around the turtle and headed a few more blocks toward home I said, "awwww man, I'm going to be so sad if we come back later and find that little guy squished!" And Vinnie said, "well what are you waiting for!? Turn us around and I'll go get him!"  :) I love my husband.  

One U-turn and a left turn later, I am parked in the safety island with our flashers on, handing Vinnie two grocery bags as gloves to go get the turtle, reminding him to please NOT get hit by a car in the process of saving our little be-shelled friend.  Vinnie successfully got the turtle and placed him off the road, back in the direction he was coming from...(silly men)...and so I hollered out, "um, wasn't his head going the other way?"  To which my dear, sweet and somewhat unobservant husband replies, "yeah....he was walking that way" and points in the opposite direction of where he placed the turtle. *mentally smacking myself in the head with my hand*  I now yell back over the roar of traffic, "don't you think we should take him the way  he was going so he doesn't try this whole 'crossing the road thing' again?"  *Vinnie gets that 'lightbulb over the head' look on his face and goes "oh yeah! good idea!" smiles at me and goes and gets the turtle, which he then brings over and I take this picture below right after we named him.  Of course at this point, this turtle is so far in his shell, all you can see are the very tips of his front feet....but I assure you he was very much alive and in there.  If I were a turtle, I would hide from me too. :) 

Vinnie and "Trenhy" the turtle
After the naming and the picture taking, Vinnie ran across the other 2 lanes of traffic and walked a few yards into the wooded area where we presumed Trenhy was heading.  It was a wonderful experience for us to share....a good teamwork exercise for us.  If I do say so myself, Vinnie and I make a wonderful team in everything we do......and now I guess we can add "saving turtles" to that list. 

Good luck are one fine reptile...

***On a quick and final sidenote, GO GAMECOCKS!  I'm glad we are 4-0 in the season, but I would be more glad if Garcia would stop making stupid choices, and I would be even MORE glad if we could clone Lattimore and let him play every position on the team.....just saying ;) ***


  1. I loved reading this story! Turtles are so great!
    Once, I was on my way home from Greenwood, I stopped and turned around on the highway because of a little turtle. I just couldn't bear the thought of him getting squished even though he was almost to the edge of the road. It was really a rewarding experience to save a little life! :-) You and Vinnie are just so wonderful and I am glad you are both a part of my life. <3

    PS. Go Cocks, go Marcus Lattimore! They need to smack Garcia!

  2. yay for saving trenhy! :)

    agreed on all accounts about our gamecocks. but way to start the season off 4-0! even if that last game was especially rough.
