Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 10 and 11/11/11

Last night I was so tired that I started posting day 10 of my thankfulness series and ended up pushing the save button instead of "publish" today is two for one day on my blog! :D

November 10th.  Today I am thankful for working with several amazing women.  Granted, everywhere you go in life there is going to be some "drama" where you work, especially when you work with a lot of women, or in my case, only women.  There have been some very tough times at my school involving "dramatic" or at a minimum, drama loving women.  But these days the mix is getting better.  Less drama, more camaraderie......more dancing and less standoffishness.  I have always gone through life trying to help anyone when they needed a hand, offering a smile and hello when people pass me by...but the older I get the more I learn that apparently I am one of those rare people.  For a while it felt like I was outnumbered by more negative attitudes than positive attitudes where I work and honestly, that's not healthy for anyone, especially where I work, around children!  No one picks up on feelings more than children.  You could be smiling and THINK you are acting normal and then one of your students comes up to you and says, "Mrs. Jessica, what's wrong?" Somehow they know....children ALWAYS know.  If you think your child can't sense when you are stressed out, or if something is going wrong with you, your family or household, you are very wrong.  That's another post though....

At any rate, what I am getting at here is, there's more sunshine than rain lately around our school and it truly makes my life and my job a whole lot easier.  To Thuy, Aleta and Melissa....I'm so thankful that I work with such wonderful women as you.  Now if ONLY one of my dearest friends Caitlin could be working with me again, that would make my life complete.  But she and I have future plans as far as THAT is concerned. ;)

November 11th.  On this magical day 11/11/11, I am thankful for the wonderful, life changing music of Death Cab for Cutie (DCFC.)  Tonight I partook in one of my favorite pastimes.  I drove around in my car, playing my favorite tunes and singing along, loud and long.  This is my therapy.  This is how I unwind.  This is how I get pumped up for something.  This is my me time.  This is how I re-center myself after long weeks, like this one.  I discovered DCFC when I was 23 and to this day I am thankful to the person who introduced me to them.  Even though I no longer am in touch with that person for many reasons, I still think of them and that part of my life where I really began to find myself.  DCFC is sort of the soundtrack to myself since those days, and continues to be today as I approach my 27th birthday, in about one month.  This may sound far fetched to some people who read this, but I have a connection, story or vivid memory associated with each of DCFC's songs and I go to each song in turn at a moment, day or period of my life when I need to reconnect with that version of myself from back then in order to  Thank you Death Cab.

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