Saturday, November 5, 2011

A hot cocoa kind of morning

Well, I'm finally back on my blog and thank goodness because a lot has been going on and I need to get it all out on "paper".....

 Friends, it's one of those mornings where hot chocolate is just the cure for what ails you.  In my case there are several things ailing me but I am doing my best to stay strong, and more importantly, stay thankful for the recent blessings we have been given.  Unfortunately, one of our big recent blessings involved my sweet husband moving clear across the country to, of all places.......Idaho. 

Yes, finally happened.  My husband got a job working for Motive Power, an electric train company. He is working on a 6 month contract for a client in AUSTRALIA who is buying a TON of trains from Motive for Sydney.  His hiring and moving all happened in the course of one week, and that's why I'm sitting here drinking hot cocoa and marshmallows from my "Tortugas' Lie" mug, missing my husband very badly on our first weekend apart since almost 2 years ago.  Quite frankly, it sucks.  But I learned a long time ago as a little girl that hot cocoa makes you body and soul feel better when you are down.  The mug I'm using? It's from one of me and Vinnie's favorite restaurants in the Outer Banks of NC.....which is where we went for our honeymoon and our first anniversary.  So each sip I take I can reflect on all those wonderful memories we have together from that special piece of the world.  

The great thing about this all is that, in the next few weeks, thanks entirely to Vinnie's new job, my family will be financially stable again.  This is huge as my mother and father are still looking for jobs and not having as much luck as I would have thought......but we all know how the economy and job market are these days, so I shouldn't be surprised.  The not so great thing about his new job is that first of all, it starts off as a 6 month contract with no guarantee that it will continue and be permanent after that, which quite frankly is FINE because there is NO WAY I want to move to Idaho- no offense to anyone who is from there.  Of course it only being temporary meant there was no logical way that I could quit my job and go with him.  I had to make sure I kept things financially stable at home so that when his job ends, we still have steady money coming in.  The other not so good thing about his new job?  They aren't keeping him busy. Now see me, I'm fine sitting behind a desk not doing anything all day long....I could be happy like that.....but not Vinnie.  He is an engineer and for those of you who have engineer friends or family you will know EXACTLY what I mean when I say "he's an engineer."  Engineers by nature must keep busy and keep their minds active to be truly happy and fulfilled.  The last 2 jobs Vinnie has had were contract jobs like this one and BOTH of them promised lots of work and good training for anything he didn't know how to do.  Guess what.....neither one delivered on either count, and it's turning out that this new job is the same song and dance.  So not only is he across the country and away from everyone he knows and loves, but his job isn't even turning out to be what was promised.  

It's so hard for me to be apart from him and I won't get to see him until a few days before Christmas, but I am trying to be strong for the both of us.  I know the last thing he needs is me being mopey and tearful when we talk.  I'm nothing if not a good wife.  In fact, I'm going to go ahead and brag on myself and say I'm a GREAT wife (Vinnie would back me up on this) and a great wife lets her husband knows how much he is loved and missed BUT still supports him in everything he does and does so happily.  So that's what I'm doing.  Supporting him, loving him, missing him and keeping my tears to myself.  He is continuing to look for something back here in SC or in the nearby vicinity.  Even if he could find something within say a 4 hour radius of Columbia, that would make it much more manageable.  So he will keep working and doing the best job he can in Idaho, and I will keep working and doing my best back here in Columbia, and we will get our life and our families life in financial order and be grateful for this recent blessing that God has given us.  

And of course.....I will keep drinking my hot cocoa and count down the days til I see my beautiful, sweet, loving husband again.  


  1. thanks stephanie....we all really appreciate it! :)

  2. You guys are awesome and wonderful and I love you both (especially YOU, Jess!). Stay strong babe and I'll talk to you this week. XOXO

  3. I love you too my sweet Cay Cay! So glad we got to talk tonight. You always brighten my spirits and make me smile! xoxo
    :D Mmmmmwah!
